
Search Engines

Search Engines

Just a list of search engines other than google, generally geared towards a specific purpose.

Scientific Papers


Bioline has a number of partnered journals available to search, mostly geared towards biology.


RefSeek is just a search engine focused on crawling sources that hold scientific papers.

US Government run website for searching through papers released by government agencies.

Image Searching

Google Lens

Reverse image search usually won’t be particularly helpful for finding an original source, but helps find alternate versions. Great place to start.


If you have an original image from art or an anime screenshot this might be the best shot.

Dedicated just to finding an anime from a screenshot.


Works well if you have the original image, and has logs of time and date found for each result.

Yandex Images

Similar to Google Lens in many ways, shows pages with fairly similar results to the image given.

Miscellaneous Searches


Shodan is great for finding servers that host a specific type of service. Allowing you to filter by anything from ports to versions of a service.


Incredibly helpful tool, makes it easy to check addresses against tax records. Privately run so there is delay, but generally accurate.

USPS Zip Code Lookup Tool

Great for validating any US address.

Whats My Name

Runs through sites looking for other places where the same username is used.

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